Secret Interpretations
Messiah is someone who needs to fight inorder to accomplish a dream, that dream was the reality before he was born and the reality he lives in today is actualy the dream. That’s why the word "Dream" in Hebrew is "חלום" and its Cutting letters in Hebrew cuts it into the word "Fighter" – "לוחם" , Because Messiah is a creation who was born from a conversation and its purpose is to manage a conversation between counter wills.
You are the Messiah, Messiah is somebody who want to change from good to a much better.
Because a person who want to change stuff and does so, many people take his leadership and follow him.
If those many people each one of them would've wakeup and getup and change they all were a group of heroes.
Because a person who does whats the others do just because they do so if not exacly a person with a soul that woke up from the dream she is living since she was born.
Your soul needs to wake up and start asking herself questions in your mind that will guide you to change your life to something with nature and purpose. Some Real Destination.
And those wont follow the trial are counted as "Dead Souls".
Death is the opposite of innocence.
Because Death in Hebrew if we read it backwards we will find the word Innocent.
Dead = מת
Innocent = תם
מ = ם beginning and ending letters.
That explains it, because Hebrew is the language god gave us his torah.
And letters "Life/Live/Alive" in Hebrew are "חיים"
And the word "חיים" Cuts into "מח יי" which means in Hebrew "Brain = מח, יי = God"
Which means to think like god, that all is one and him infront of you. And doing so means you are happy and alive. Because a person is a Name.
And a person who his soul wokeup is called "Shem hai= שם חי" which means "Name Alive"
And the letters "שם חי" are cutted into the word: "משיח" which means: Messiah.
And the word "משיח" if we change the order of the letters again we find the word: "שמיח" which means "Happy".
And that explains it all.
And whats the purpose? Happiness is Messiah, because the Happiness come from a conversation in our thoughts.
The word "thought = מחשבה" are cutted into the word "in happiness = בשמחה".
And that Explains it all.
Secret Messages in Psalms Songs
In the tikun alkali pray which is ten songs from the psalms there are many secrets hidden.
We will beging with the fact the pray start with this line (Psalms 95:1-3):
"1 O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods."
Oh so in hebrew the words sing = נריע
And Joyful = בזמירות
In Hebrew in looks like this:
"לכו נרננה ליהוה נריע לצור ישעינו
נקדמה פניו בתודה בזמירות נריע לו, כי אל גדול יהוה ומלך גדול על כל אלהים".
Because god is everything and everyone and yet he is ruler and king above all gods, means that all is truly gods.
It is hinted in the cutting letters of the words joyful and sing in Hebrew,
Therefore sing = נריע , cuts into awaken/wakeup = נעיר And joyful = בזמירות, cuts into "In Clues" = ברמיזות.
We find the sentence "We will wake him up with the clues" the clue we just found here is waking us up, because some power hidden this interpretation before I even explained it.
And that’s god, he is all the exsistance, he is all the people, and he hide the clues, hints and implies behind the text so that the day we will understand it we will wakeup, Those specific clues we just found are hidden in Cutting Letters, More clues will be published here, Keep yourself updated.
To be Continue...
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